“The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first steps.” As we enter the second act of life, in a testimonial that resonates deeply, Ed Kushins shares his five inspiring long-term priorities, offering us valuable insights and guiding principles for our own journeys: Appreciate and Make Happiness a Priority One of the greatest joys […]
Are you feeling apprehensive because you’re afraid to lose your social your social status as you transition to a new career? Let’s dive deep into this topic and challenge those worries head-on. Social status certainly holds significance, but it shouldn’t be the deciding factor when it comes to pursuing a fulfilling career that brings you […]
Dispelling misconceptions is crucial when it comes to career transitions. One common misconception is the belief that extensive training is always required. However, once you gain crystal-clear clarity about your desired path, it becomes a matter of focused execution. Training is not a barrier but a stepping stone to a successful career transition. Let me […]